Friday, 3 August 2018

Physical activity

I’m going to be Explaining to you guy’s why Exercise is good for your brain keep reading to find out more

 What does the Benefits of Physical  activity do for you? Physical activity mean you need to run around and get into it knot just sit there lifting weights all day. It also helps your blood flow and makes you very healthy.

Another reason you should do more Physical exercise is because it helps you stay fit and most importantly helps your brain to grow.Also it can really help with stress relief and mood swing as well.

Lastly Exercise can also Stimulate the release of growth factors in the brain. Exercise can improve brain activity mood,sleep,stress and Anxiety problems. One more thing is it can boost your memory/Hippocampus after Aerobic exercise.

That’s what I think about Physical activity is that it is really awesome because your heart really gets pumping.Other exercise where it just makes you look buff not smarter.That what I think about this kind of exercise thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lehi, it looks like you have done some great work here, but i can't read it all because of the way you have posted it. Watch out that the words don't go beyond the side boarder where the images are. Would love to read this properly if you manage to resubmit this for us. If you get stuck, ask Mr. Wiseman. Looking forward to reading more of your work!
